Sunday, February 5, 2017

Kyle the Hockey Player

I meet this wonderful young man name Kyle
Wambole in my English 101 class this semester, must I add he is very handsome too; he will make some very lucky lady happy.

Kyle grew up in Pennsylvania, he had one brother and his name Clint who is three years older than me. Clint was his hero, they became best friends. He would follow Clint everywhere. He the person that introduced him to hockey. Hockey was the sport that changed his life forever.  

Kyle's brother Clint was a hockey player and I want to be just like him, he began to teach him how to play hockey and fell in love with the sport. He would dream about hockey and there began his passion and desire to become a professional hockey player. He would play with my big brother and his friends and was very good at it too.

His love of hockey took him too many states. Kyle had a game in Wyoming and there is where his dream came to a halt and the dream of becoming a professional hockey player had ended. He fell and his knee was hurt, not able to get up. At that moment he knew it was over. Hoping he was wrong, but  in his heart I knew it so. He have seen so many other games and player; he knew my outcome. He was devastated.  This ended his dream of becoming a professional hockey player.


Kyle had now had to rethink his life and where or what he was going to do.  His goals had to be changed. There where lots of encouragement from family and friends, so after some thought he decided that he would be become an accountant. So he enrolled in Northampton Community College. And  hope to transfer to Cedar Crest or Kutztown University someday and get his degree in accounting.  Kyle loved number and solving problems.

But please know that his love for hockey is still there, and he still played with his brother and friends.  I also enjoy going to games. Just watching the games brings he satisfaction.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Vanessa,
    I enjoy reading about Kyle and his love for hockey. I also love that sport. Your post was very detailed and funny. Keep up the good work.
