Sunday, February 12, 2017

My Education Memory

     My education knowledge was very limited due to dropping out of school in the 9th grade.  I have only a few memories of elementary school, middle school or high school.

My best memory was elementary school science teacher who made science class fun and worth remembering. There was also a middle school shop teacher, and he gave a an interest in working with creating thing of wood and ceramic with my hands.

Me enrolling in Northampton Community College will be the start of a real memory of education and literacy, and so far I am enjoying every moment. I am learning some valuable information so far in this class, how to write stories about my fellow classmate, create a blogs and how to put my own thoughts down on paper.  This I had no remembrance of.   So this class is giving me a whole new look at education and literacy that I have never seen before.


  1. I think it is so amazing that you are going back to school. I think it is so inspiring. It is so easy to quit but it is so hard to start up again. I really appreciate the value you have for your education! this was great to read!

  2. That is inspiring that you are motivated to return to school to continue your education. You seem to have a lot of perseverance, and are determined to continue in learning new things. I am sure that you will do well!
